Document Type : Promotional Article
Associate Professor of Imam Sadegh University
The expression of “Good Deed” is a known legal expression utilizing generally in the realm of civil law and procedure; For instance, in the article 975 of civil law or article 6 of civil procedure, and etc. however, there is a conflict in defining this expression among lawyers, particularly civil ones; moreover, various definitions are observable, which originate from different opinions of these elites that are about the relation of this institution with public policy, roots of good deed, and so on.
In criminal law and statutes of Islamic Republic of Iran, the expression of good deed was not utilized, and merely the phrase of “The Crimes against Decency and Public Morals” was posed in the title of the eighteenth section of the fifth chapter of Islamic Penal Code.
The question is why in spite of distinguishable categories in different crimes toward economy, politic, culture, and etc. that put them under crimes against economic security, political security, cultural security, and etc. the same circumstance cannot be applied to crimes against morals? Is not it feasible to make and use the expression of “Moral Security” along with the mentioned titles? It sounds it is possible and essential to define and spread “Moral Security”, and the proposed definition is: “feeling convenient in regard with any behavior against moral values of society like decency and dignity.”