The Use of Virtual Social Networks and its Position in Lifestyle (Case Study: Telegram Social Network and Imam Sadiq(a.s) University Students)

Document Type : Promotional Article


M.A. in Faculty of Islamic Studies and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq(a.s) University.


Virtual social networks are widely welcomed by users and they spend a considerable portion of their daily time in these networks. In order to find out the relation between the time that people devote to the internet and the effects of their presence in social networks on lifestyle , the present study was conducted with a focus on students of imam sadiq(a.s) university as a case study with qualitative approach and observation ( cooperative and non - participative ) and unstructured interviews.
The results showed that the most use of these networks is in dormitories and at night and before sleep. Using virtual networks in classroom is second. research shows that students try to use virtual social networks in the university mosque.
according to the research, virtual social networks in providing entertainment and entertainment, co-ordinator activities (such as job, job, religious activity, participation in political activities, group of poems), providing information about the events and conditions of society (including sport, political, economic, etc.), socialization (including communication with spouse, communication with friends) and neglect of reality (including time of sleep and rest, prayers, face to face communication) can influence students lives.


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