The Extracted Pattern of Tourism Based on Shia Jurisprudential Sources

Document Type : Promotional Article


دانشآموخته کارشناسی ارشد دانشکده معارف اسلامی و فرهنگ و ارتباطات دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام، تهران، ایران


Tourism, as the most widespread service industry in the world, is of particular importance, Therefore, many countries in a close and close competition seek to increase their profits and revenues from this international activity. Our country, with the date of several thousand years of tourism attractions among the first 10 countries, is the most attractive tourist attraction in the world and is ranked fifth in terms of biodiversity and diversity of natural attractions.
Of course, the importance and economic role of tourism should not lead to neglect of other dimensions, especially after cultural dimension, the tendency of the world to seek the easiest and most effective way for cultural dialogue to highlight the role of tourism in many cultures through history and civilizations, while maintaining emotional and human ties to each other with a broader view of other cultures and the political relations of civilizations are more balanced on the basis of the UN economy and understanding.
From religious aspect, it should be said that in islam the importance of contemplation is emphasized. The holy quran has shown the importance of tourism and tourism in detail and has asked them to look at the ground and think about the monuments of the past and take advice from their ancestors. There are many hadiths about the prophet and the innocent imams about the journey and travel, which shows the desirability of tourism from the viewpoint of jurisprudence and it can also be used in jurisprudence.


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