Evolutions in Communication Technologies and Explaining the Necessity of Revising Media Literacy Theories

Document Type : Promotional Article


دانشآموخته کارشناسی ارشد دانشکده معارف اسلامی وفرهنگ و ارتباطات دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام، تهران، ایران


New technologies and media have created transformations in society and interactions between individuals. the need for media literacy is more than ever, given the growing growth of new media in society. according to the definition provided by media literacy center, four elements of access, analysis, evaluation and production of media product have been considered. Since knowing the capacities, features and forecasting the future of new media is not fully understood, the theories in media literacy are not fully cover all levels of media literacy. Because most of these theories are around the first three elements. In this paper, after defining the definition, the history and purpose of media literacy, explores theories about media literacy as well as related theories including planting, silence of silence, social learning, and so on. The study of the feature of modern media and the evolution of communication technologies suggests that the aforementioned theories alone can not explain all levels of media literacy and require new theoretical approaches to the field of media messaging in this field..


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