Studying Technologies and Policies of Making Smart Schools in Iran Emphasizing on Educational Tablet Computers

Document Type : Promotional Article


دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد دانشکده معارف اسلامی و فرهنگ و ارتباطات دانشگاه امام صادق علیه السلام، تهران، ایران


Development (particularly cultural development)in the present age is associated with the spread of new technologies. The fact is significant in all aspects of cultural development and development. Education is also one of the same dimensions. In fact, the development of education is essentially consistent with the introduction and proliferation of new technologies. The introduction of new technologies to the education system is a subject which has been considered by the authorities and policy makers in recent years and is still an important issue with regard to it in policies due to the development of technologies and new equipment such as Educational cybercafé. On the other hand, the development of smart devices in education is also the site of discussion and pathology can be very important for future policy.
in this study, with the study of cultural development and its dimensions, the necessity of endogenous development and development of smart educational equipment is known as the path of cultural development as the development of modern technologies in education can contribute to the development of education as one of the main components of culture.
Also with regard to the importance of policy makers in the development path, Available intelligent policies in Iran in the development of education and the introduction of new technologies have been defined in this direction.


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