Identifying the Cultural Components of Extroversion Strategy in the Context of Resistive Economy

Document Type : Promotional Article


1 M.A. in Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University

2 Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University


Extroversion is one of the most important pillars of a resistance economy that relates to the international economic relations of countries. Extroversion strategy is of great importance in view of the fact that it has the potential for achieving economic stability and considers it to be one of its goals. Strengthening the internal structure of the economy and taking advantage of the economic benefits of international relations in order to secure national interests first and, secondly, to protect the country against domestic and foreign economic impulses, require the identification of components that reflect economic, cultural, political and legal aspects of the extroversion strategy. In this article, with emphasis on the cultural components of the extroversion strategy, the required data have been collected using library and documentary studies method, and there has been an attempt to identify the cultural components of it through analytical-deductive method from international economics literature, especially international marketing and resistance economics. The results of this study show that technology and material culture, social institutions such as family, work and leisure, as well as education, values and religion, customs, motivations and behaviors, media and advertising, language, aesthetics, and ultimately tourism are among the cultural components that need to be considered in designing an extroversion strategy within the framework of a resistance economy.


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