"Discovery" and "Cultivation" of Talents in Religious Communications; A Case Study of Dezful City's Shajareh Salehin Plan for Children

Document Type : Promotional Article


1 Faculty member at Imam Sadiq University

2 M.A. in Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University, (corresponding author) Sina.asareh716@gmail.com


Sport is a branch associated with culture. It is a cultural activity that promotes interaction with society and will contribute to social development. Today, in different societies, promoting the sport for women and establishment of sports mechanisms are particularly important, since they signify the presence or absence of women in sports activities as a global indicator of their social status in society. The media policy is a subset of cultural policy makers that govern the massive media leadership in achieving the specific goals of a system. In the new world, which also translates into the age of communication or media, it is important for the media to play an effective role in policy making. Women’s sport is one of the most striking cultural manifestations of any society, the neglect of which can put the cultural system in trouble. History has witnessed gender-based challenges. The notion that women have more or less been absent from sport arena leading to their being belittled and not showing up in the media, has made us revise the existing programs and adopt strategies and techniques to have more interaction with the media.  Considering these issues, this research tries to answer the question about the status of women's sports policy in the Islamic republic of Iran. In addition to answering this, we have examined the organizational and policy issues of women entering sports facilities and the coverage of their competitions in the media. This research has been done by library and documentary method; it has also benefitted from some press interviews about sport and media. In the end, it became clear that there has been no legal ban on women entering sports facilities. There is also no comprehensive and complete policy related to the coverage of women's sports competition by the national media, and the need for serious involvement of cultural policy makers in this field is highly felt...


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