Representation of Arbaeen's March on IRIB (Case Study: "Who Are You?" and "A Short Annotation to a Long Text" by Wahid Chavosh)

Document Type : Promotional Article


1 M.A. student of Culture and Communication, Surah University, (corresponding author)

2 ISU faculty member


Arbaeen March has become the main Shiite ritual today. It is this status that doubles the necessity of surveying it from different perspectives. One is the analytical media outlook over Arbaeen ritual. In other words, we need to examine how the mass and social media address or should address this important event. This article has employed a media and communicative approach to the representation of Arbaeen's March on the Islamic Republic of Iran's television and Radio programs. In this regard, two documentaries of Vahid Chavosh as a media activist have been analyzed: Who are you? and A Short Annotation to a Long Text. The methodology used is the semiotics of John Fisk. By taking each of the episodes of the two documentaries as a unit of analysis, the signs have been examined at three levels of social, technical, and ideological codes. The findings show that the type of Arbaeen representation in these two documentaries can be divided according to four dimensions: political, socio-cultural, spiritual and civilization. In the political dimension, elements such as defying arrogance, truth seeking and Islamic unity are considered. In the socio-cultural dimension, we can refer to the culture of humility, cultural interaction, taking vow, making sacrifice and the educational function of Arbaeen. In the spiritual side, we can mention sympathizing with Ahlul-Bayt (The Prophet’s Household) (AS) captives, praying for their intercession and seeking the Savior. Religious, cultural, and national symbols also appear in the form of food, flags and customs of each country.


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