Higher Education Development Indicators of Humanities

Document Type : Promotional Article


M.A. in Islamic Studies, Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University hojjatjabbardokht@gmail.com


In this paper, the concept of “higher education development in humanities" is more precisely conceptualized and delineated. This conceptualization is accomplished by formulating fifteen indicators for the development of higher education in humanities. These indicators, which are set forth in higher education policy making, are in fact operational guidelines for policy reform in higher education in humanities. The need to move towards problem-oriented research, decentralization, territorial planning, and balanced development are the most important results that have been addressed by these indicators. The metrics have been adjusted in a meta-analysis and library manner to cover all aspects of development, including human development, social development, economic development, communication development, etc., and meanwhile higher education development must be adjusted with the development of other sectors. The community should also be coordinated and mobile. In other words, if the higher education of humanities is to be simultaneously promoted in all fifteen indicators, the ideal type of “higher education development in humanities" has occurred. Before going into the main issue and presenting the indicators, we first discuss the structure and function of higher education, the role and function of the university, and the requirements and characteristics of the academic community, and delineate these concepts as necessary. We then examine the definitions, necessities, and functions of humanities in today's society from a number of different perspectives to provide the prerequisite for entering the core of the discussion for the reader


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