Gender of Knowledge: Knowledge of Domination in Dorothy Smith’s Thoughts

Document Type : Promotional Article


Department of social sciences and sociology, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran


How to produce knowledge has long been the question of many thinkers. Sociologists of knowledge consider the acquisition of knowledge in direct connection with society and believe in social roots. As a feminist sociologist, Dorothy Smith is on the path to the sociology of knowledge, believing in the masculine roots of sociology. This article discusses Dorothy Smith's views on sociology in particular, as knowledge imposed by men on the human social world. And it always seeks to answer the question of what role does gender play in the production of knowledge? In this regard, Dorothy Smith develops Standpoint Theory and criticizes sociology. She explains that sociology is based on masculine society and it has based the methods and views of men and marginalized women. Sociology ignores women's experiences, views, ways of thinking, and daily life. As a result, sociology, which should be the knowledge of the whole society, is not able to study and reveal all social phenomena.
Keywords: Social Origin, Sociology, Dorothy Smith, Knowledge, Gender.


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