A Survey of Cultural Policies in the People's Republic of China

Document Type : Review Article


Faculty of Islamic Studies and Culture and Communication


China has always been one of the cultural and civilizational hubs of the world throughout history. However, due to historical developments, especially since the middle of the 20th century, the country's policies and cultural issues have undergone extensive changes. After decades of developments that clearly coincided with the communist revolution in the country, China is now the world's second largest economy and one of the most important producers of cultural and media industries. To the extent that the emergence of China as a global superpower has occupied the minds of many analysts. Therefore, to understand the new world in which the equations of power are changing rapidly, it is necessary to understand China's cultural and communication issues. Because in the not too distant future, all the countries of the world will have to determine their position with the People's Republic of China. In this article, after examining the historical and political trend of this country since 1949, that is, the Mao communist revolution, we will transform the cultural policies in this country and then some of its cultural and media regulations and policies. Finally, we end this article with a brief explanation of traditional Chinese culture.


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