Discourse AnalysisBased on the Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT), of the Tweets of the Ministers of Foreign of Iran and the P5+1 Group Countries about JCPOA; , from 21/6/2020 to 25/12/2020

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of International Communication, Faculty Member of Imam Sadegh University.

2 PhD student in Cultural Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Sciences& Research Branch.


Today, the politicians and leaders of each country, in the international level, try to achieve the goals and interests of their people with the tools of diplomacy and negotiation, and with the lowest level of tension and conflict. To communicate better and more effectively, it is essential to know communication strategies, discover the hidden meaning of words, and the audience's predictive power.
The development of cyberspace and social networks has given rise to new forms in the field of diplomacy. Analyzing the comments of politicians in the informal and open space of Twitter can provide a good base for analysis and recognition. In this research, we tried to analyze the views of the Foreign Ministers of Iran and the P5+1 group on Twitter, using the Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT), and the method of discourse analysis (PDAM) so that we can identify the strategy of different countries against JCPOA and predict events.
The theory of communication accommodation is one of the theories proposed in the field of intercultural communication that focuses on the ways in which cultures adapt to interaction. In this theory, 3 strategies for communication have been proposed: 1- Convergence 2- Divergence 3- Maintenance.
The present study shows that there are several perspectives on JCPOA: JCPOA as an agreement, Iran and the United States as separate countries and international relations. The strategy of all countries except the United States is to maintain the JCPOA. Iran's general policy has been based on convergence, China and Russian strategy is based on conservation, and the French, British and German strategies are based on convergence with the United States and divergence towards Iran.


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