An Appropriate Pattern for “Radio Javan” Programs Focusing on Media Literacy

Document Type : Research Article


1 iribu

2 iribu student


The development of media literacy by the media itself is one of the effective ways to teach this skill and radio as a mass media can have a good position in this field. Because young people are the main audience of today's media and "Radio Javan" is a special station for this ages, . The purpose of this study is to design a comprehensive model for programming in Radio Javan with the aim of educating and promoting media literacy. Findings of this research, which is in fact a comprehensive model with two structural and content aspects for production in Radio Javan, has been obtained through case study and through qualitative evaluation and analysis of programs produced in radio in recent years on the subject of media literacy and specialized interviews with production experts and media literacy specialists, in addition to the analysis of works written in this field. The results of this study show that "the simplification of topics in the form of short structures", "the use of templates with fast rhythms and the use of attractive elements such as interviews with young people, music, short plays, competitions and entertainment, etc.", "avoid taking a completely negative approach, facing the new media and paying attention to the positive effects and functions of digital media along with its negative and harmful effects",


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