Investigating the role of media literacy in governance

Document Type : Review Article


Assistant Professor of History and Social Science DepartmentFaculty of Literature and Humanities Velayat University


Today, the media play an important role in the development of civil society and governance. In the meantime, having the skills to critique and analyze media messages is very important in strengthening the field and public dialogue. The present study aimed to investigate the role of media literacy in governance. The method of the present study was library and data collection tool was also electronic filing. Data analysis was performed as a document. According to the research results, six main roles can be considered for media literacy in governance: The first role is to promote active and informed citizenship; Because media literacy gives people skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, personal independence and communication and social skills. These skills facilitate participation, campaigning, and participation in decision-making and pressure. The second role of media literacy is to strengthen the public sphere; The public sphere is a place for the presence of various social actors in which people gather to participate in open and public discussions. The impact of media literacy in the third dimension on the promotion of citizenship rights; Since civil rights include political, social, and basic rights, media literacy has the ability and power to demand these rights from the government and to influence decision-making. In the fourth dimension, media literacy is a kind of question that requires the government to answer. In the fifth dimension, media literacy plays an important role in the development of civil society and the critique of government performance and the formation of civil institutions. In the sixth dimension, media literacy influences the creation of an atmosphere of public criticism and dialogue.


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