Evaluation of Information Accuracy in Instagram about Corona virus

Document Type : Research Article




The present article was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the information published on the subject of Corona on the social network Instagram and to investigate the relationship between the accuracy of the information and the popularity of the published posts. This research is applied in terms of type and has been done using content analysis method. The research community includes 100 published posts related to the topic of crona virus, which were published on Instagram in August 2020. Data were collected using direct observation method and using a checklist designed by the researcher. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics tests (mean and frequency) and Spearman correlation test and S.P.S.S. software were used. The research findings showed that 46% of the published information is inaccurate and is considered fake news. 54% of the published information was also accurate and credible. In addition, there was no significant relationship between the popularity of a post and the accuracy of its information


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