Digital divide and cyber literacy; Conceptualization, relativism and signification in policy documents of the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Article


PhD in Media Management, South Tehran Azad University


The development of technological tools and media based on communication platforms led to the creation of new societies with their own characteristics. Communities that thinkers interpret as a connection to the digital community. One of the most important characteristics of these societies is the existence of inequality at different levels of these societies in the use of digital tools, which is interpreted as digital divide, and the basic strategy to fill this digital gap will be to promote digital literacy in society.
Using the content analysis of the upstream and internal political documents of the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Iran (as the main custodian of formal and public education in the country), the above research implies the concept of digital literacy - in that it is one of the effective factors in reducing digital divide - Extracted and analyzed at four levels of infrastructure and technology equipment, education and awareness, network development and equitable access and production of healthy content. According to the results of this study, the main issue in the digital divide is to increase the level of participation of people in the digital community and improve their skills and motivate and innovate to create participation in the digital community, and this indicates the effective role of cyberspace literacy in Have a digital divide.


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