Document Type : Promotional Article
The responsibility of international community in protecting human fundamental rights is one of the serious issues of international law. On the basis of this theory, which was considered as “humanitarian interference” and today is called “responsibility to protect”, if a government suppress its nation and by egregious infringing of their fundamental rights commits organized crimes like massacre, the international community has responsibility to protect that nation.
This context is not in contrast with Islamic teaches at all and Islam, by emphasizing on human dignity and preparing a comprehensive program for guidance and mundane and unworldly happiness of human, has made the issue of protecting the oppressed a vital subject without considering their various beliefs and it has not only utilized its protection from poor people against cruelty but also spread it to the border of defending of human’s nature and his reasonable life. Therefore, the theory of responsibility to protect is comparable with some examples of “Islamic Jihad”. The philosophy of Jihad in Islam is not an armed war or territorial development or colonizing, but it is any attempt to develop holy godly aims and fight to spread Islamic equality and remove polytheism and idolatry, and also protect eternity of Islamic community or some Muslims and defend their lordship.
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Rapport de la Commission Internationale de l’Intervention et de la Souveraineté des Etats, "La Responsabilité de Protéger", décembre 2001, online at: