The approach of the Evaluation and Testing Laboratory (Dematel) in analyzing the identified major barriers to the adoption and development of new technologies in media organizationss

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty Member, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh (A.S) University

2 Faculty of Management and Accounting Allameh Tabataba,i University

3 Master of art, Media Management, Soura University


Fundamental developments in science and technology have wonderfully transformed the management mechanism of organizations around the world. Therefore, the culture of acceptance and development of science and technology in media organizations, that are on the sharp edge of change and transformation, should be given serious consideration; while the lived experience in the mentioned organizations shows the existence of serious obstacles in the acceptance and application of new technologies by managers and employees. Therefore, this study has been conducted with the aim of presenting management strategies to identify and analyze major barriers affecting the phenomenon of acceptance and development of new technologies in media organizations.
Major effective barriers (derived from the qualitative method of content analysis) were identified through the Semi-structured interviews of 14 experts who were purposefully selected. internal relations of the The mentioned barriers were identified and analyzed through the soft operational research approach and DEMATEL technique and design of a questionnaire provided for 13 experts in the field of media management, the interaction between the obstacles and effectiveness and impactability of each barrier compared to other barriers were calculated.
the research results showed that the major effective barriers:Organizational inertia, lack of management transformation, lack of institutional attitude, lack of comprehensive research and development, human resources issues, weak organizational culture, lack of proper cost-benefit analysis in adopting new technologies, lack of organizational structure dynamics, infrastructure issues, Macro political- administrative issues, legal barriers, Lack of easy access, training and technology transfer.
two systematic results have been obtained from this study; First, the internal effectiveness and impactability of barriers to development of new technologies in media organizations, and in the second phase, prioritization of the mentioned obstacles has been done .



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