Specialized activities of women students in the social network Instagram during the days of the Corona outbreak

Document Type : Research Article


1 Media management, Strategic Management, Baqir al olum University, Qom, Iran

2 Faculty member of the Department of Socio-Cultural Studies, Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture


The presence of students in cyberspace is a phenomenon that has increased in recent years due to the instrumental expansion of this space. With the spread of Corona virus and the increasing use of this tool and its impact on social life, the presence of people and students in this space has grown significantly‌. Although the maximum use of cyberspace is an undeniable principle and necessity, but the government's concern about how people are present in this space due to the growth of negative news, rumors and poor media literacy of the public in the face of this data and their low capability in The selection and analysis of information is a legitimate concern, especially in the event of a crisis such as a corona. One of the most effective and powerful ways to reduce this concern and turn challenges and threats into opportunities is to use the capacity of revolutionary forces and students in social networks. To make the best use of this capacity, it is necessary to gain a correct understanding of the capabilities and activities in the first step. Accordingly, the main issue of this article is the typology of female students' activities on the social network Instagram in the days of the corona virus outbreak, and seeks to answer the question of what female students did to increase the media literacy of their audiences these days. In the article, using snowballs, 110 pages of sister students were identified and using qualitative content analysis method, we came to the conclusion that their activities in this period in 3 types: 1) lifestyle promotion 2) religious knowledge enhancement, 3) coronary jihadist activities at home can be Will be categorized.



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