The Impact of Dual Spacization Relationships on Depth, Scope and Type of Relationships (Family telegram groups case study)

Document Type : Research Article


1 university of baghiral olum

2 university of tehran


دWith the advent of new technologies, a large part of everyday human relationships has been transferred to the second space (cyberspace) and this has created challenges and opportunities for relationships. 
The emergence of kinship relations into this space gave some hope for the reproduction of old family communities and the reform of current trends.
 Some described this process not as a reformist turn, but as a continuation of the path of modernity and in order to encourage individuality as much as possible. This study seeks to understand the effect of dual spatialization of virtual kinship relationships on the depth, level and type of communication.
 For this purpose, 20 members of family telegram groups were interviewed by semi-structured method and the findings were analyzed by content analysis method by MAXQDA software. To explain these changes, Dr. Ameli's theory of "dual space" and Ferdinand Tonnies's "society" were used. The results showed that "de-distancing" and "distancing" are two pervasive themes in expressing the changes resulting from the spatialization of kinship relations. In general, cyberspace with "de-distanceation" in material dimensions has led to the expansion of the level of kinship relations and has been successful in the formal dimension (Gesellschaft), but at the same time with "distance" in the spiritual dimension has reduced the depth of communication and in the spiritual dimension (Gemeinschaft) Has not been very successful.


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