Socio-cultural implications of Corona from the perspective of thinkers

Document Type : Promotional Article


1 Communication, Communication, and Culture, Soore University, Tehran, Iran

2 Azad Islamic Un, Tehran, Iran


The winter of 1398 AD and the year 2020, in Iran and the world, ended with a new and surprising phenomenon. Coronavirus outbreak, but with the end of winter; This phenomenon did not stop, but with the spread of the virus, the state of the world and human relations changed. This study aimed to identify the corona phenomenon and to provide media literacy requirements to stop the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19).
In this research, the method of Thematic analysis has been used. By conducting a non-structured interview with 15 experts in the field of media literacy in Iran, we have identified media literacy requirements to prevent the coronary phenomenon.
The results showed that there are 6 main themes and 10 sub-themes in Corona's phenomenology. Religion and worship with four sub-themes: virtual worship, virtual pilgrimage, virtual mourning, religious virtual holidays, 5. Creating new meanings and 6 - changing social distance.
Media literacy requirements to reduce or stop the spread of coronavirus include 1- the need for virtual communication, 2- reduction of traffic, 3- reduction of costs, 4- reduction of face-to-face meetings, 5- use of cyberspace, and 4- training of suggested content with 20 instructions For media literacy that mainly emphasizes social distance.



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