Recognition the concept of communication in the postcolonial and West cognitive works of Reza Davari Ardakani

Document Type : Research Article


Islamic studies & Iranology department of national library & archives


The purpose of this article is to find the concept and terminology of postcolonial "communication" in postcolonial works written by contemporary philosopher Reza Davari Ardakani. The main approach of the article is based on the assumption that "postcolonial critique" and its subset "Western critique" is not possible except in the light of detailed attention to the themes of communication between West and East and the state of relations of civilizations in general, and if this issue is not considered. To achieve the purpose of research and study this hypothesis, three questions were asked: 1. to what extent is the use of communication concepts and themes in the works of Ardakani arbitration? 2. From the communication point of view of Reza Davari Ardakani's postcolonial critique, on what terms and definitions is a solid postcolonial based? 3. What levels and concepts of communication does the post-colonial communication approach of Ardakani arbitration cover? In this article, three books by Reza Davari Ardakani analyzed. The selection of the mentioned samples was done using "multi-field search of documents" in the "express software of the National Archives and Library" and using the "Creator" and "Subject" fields. Also, in order to answer the second and third questions of the research, the qualitative method of "focus group" has been used. The research results show that in total, 3.62% of the total paragraphs of the studied books have communication concepts. Also, Ardakani has used the concept of” intercultural communication” with 20.37% and the postcolonial term “mimicry” with 22.22% in his works.



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