Document Type : Promotional Article
Master student of Imam Sadeq University
Today, the media is one of the most important effective tools in society that plays a significant role in individual and social life. The media set specific policies to be more accurate and systematic. The theoretical foundations of this issue, which are discussed in the media policy, must be carefully and practically examined. There are usually two types of media policy approaches, traditional and modern, and the adoption of any of these approaches can have advantages and disadvantages. In the present study, which has been done by library method and content analysis, the dimensions and components of these policies have been discussed, and an attempt has been made to compare them comparatively with the IRIB. The views of Ayatollah Khamenei as the main policy-maker of the Radio and Television Organization in this field have been examined.. Finally, in a mission category, mission requirements, objectives, executive strategies, and pathology are extracted.