CrowdLaw; Development of Participation in Rule-Making

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Public Law, Faculty of Islamic Thoughts and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran

2 department of public law, faculty of islamic thoughts and law, Imam sadiqq University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Islamic Thoughts and Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


People’s participation in government is changing and it is evolving with progress of societies. People’s participation has different patterns. The pattern that is now commonplace is the representation model. But, this pattern has undergone extensive changes, with the emergence of a phenomenon called CrowdLaw. The pattern of CrowdLaw is based on presence of people in consultation and decision-making process. CrowdLaw has need to some infrastructures like “Transparency” and in the spread, it is due to the use of open innovation and Crowd-Sourced methods. CrowdLaw is taking shape on the Internet. It can delegated to the people, in CrowdLaw, finding the problems and drafting a law and amendment of it. In other words, people have the authority to initiate the law. For estimating how the crowdlaw has improvement in rulemaking, it should be known the nature of representation and establish a comparance. Therefore, the problem of this research is the comparison between representation and CrowdLaw to know its principals to design the native pattern of CrowdLaw in other opportunities. To this end, this study, with a combination of “case study” and “interpretive” methods, seeks to clarify the horizon of CrowdLaw and how it is involved in the legislative process. Finally, it can be localized by understanding the CrowdLaw. To have such an understanding, one must benefit from Islamic teachings such as shura and social responsibility. Also, gaining the gameplay capabilities of these platforms is a great help in localizing the use of the rules collected in the law.



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