Technology Studies: An overview of cultural and social theories

Document Type : Research Article


1 assistant professor of Department of Culture & communication Imam sadiq univ

2 Student


Technology is an integral part of our lives today. Man’s life in this space depends on his cultural analysis of this phenomenon, and this analysis also arises from the cultural understanding of technology. This phenomenon has been studied and theorized from different philosophical, social and cultural perspectives in the last century. The present text is an overview of important discourses and theories and influential currents in this field. Critique of the discourse of determinism and reflection on its dimensions constitute the first part of the text, and by reviewing the discourse of constructivism, we will examine the opposite view of determinism. We will then look at social networks and network technologies from the perspective of disembodiment and incarnation as the anthropology of technology. We will then present the well-known and interdisciplinary theory of the network of actors as the phenomenology of new technology, and finally review Feinberg’s critical theories as a philosophical critique of the nature of technology.
After each chapter, an attempt has been made to reflect on the issues from a practical point of view and from a local point of view.


Main Subjects


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