The culture of individual utilitarianism as a solution to deal with the failure of the government in the conventional economy in the minds of Islamic thinkers Case study of Shihdan Sadr and Motahhari

Document Type : Research Article


1 imamsadegh univercity

2 imam sadegh university

3 imam sadegh


In a conventional economy, market performance is assumed to be optimal, but for reasons such as market failure, market efficiency is taken away, in which case the government enters as a solution to deal with market failure. But then the government itself fails. One of the main causes of government failure is human self-interest. Our method in this research is based on library information and documents and analysis of documents. The results show that the views of Martyr Sadr and Motahhari are different, so that the view of Martyr Motahhari on the relationship between religion and individual and social interests is minimal and the view of Martyr Sadr is maximum. In a concrete model of Islam, using the framework of religious commands and prohibitions, and providing indicators for moral selection based on the religion of the agents of the Islamic State, puts the social interest in the scope of individual interest, thus failing to fail. The government opposes.


Main Subjects


    قرآن کریم


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