offering strategies to strengthen Iran's cooperation and Lebanese resistance with emphasis on cultural elements

Document Type : Research Article


Imam Sadiq University


Through the political developments in Lebanon and the emergence of resistance in the south of this country, unprecedented opportunities have arisen in the field of cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Lebanese resistance in various dimensions, especially in the field of culture. Along with the existing opportunities, there are also threats from Iran's enemies and the Lebanese resistance, which can be turned into opportunities by adopting new approaches in the fields of cooperation between these two actors. The main goal of this research is to provide strategies to develop and deepen relations between Iran and Lebanon's resistance in the field of culture and help foreign policy institutions. Library and document research methods for data collection, and the SWOT method with a descriptive and analytical approach were used for data analysis. Based on the findings, the Islamic Republic of Iran is facing challenges in its interaction and cooperation with the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, while the two actors have significant opportunities to develop and strengthen their relations. Therefore, by turning these strengths into opportunities, it is possible to develop and strengthen the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Lebanese resistance. One of the notable strengths is the coordinated leadership of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah with the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the solidarity between the Shiites of the two countries, which can lead to the promotion of Shiite identity and the culture of resistance against the Hebrew axis.


Main Subjects

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