Differentiation Components of Non-Government Schools in Selected Countries of the World

Document Type : Research Article





   The role of human capital in the development of the country is especially emphasized because the engine of the development of every country is the trained human force. Education is always considered one of the main pillars of providing human resources of a country. Therefore, governments pay extra attention to optimizing the structure and content of education and research. Non-government schools, along with public schools of each country, play a significant role in improving education services. In this research, an attempt has been made to quantify the general characteristics of non-government schools in selected countries. The purpose of conducting such a study is that education is seen as a national investment and this is an impetus for policy making in the direction of creating non-government schools that have high educational and educational productivity. This research is of a qualitative type, and documentary and library methods were used to conduct it. First, the concept of a non-government school has been investigated, then the approaches to the creation of non-government schools have been analyzed. The findings of the research show that non-government schools in different countries have fundamentally different meanings and the distinguishing components of non-government schools in the selected countries of the world have five major bases: 1. Manpower 2. School structure 3. Limits of powers 4. Degree of restrictions 5. Special factors.


Main Subjects

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