The main factors affecting the commercialization of cultural industries

Document Type : Research Article


1 Senior expert in cultural management and planning/researcher in the field of culture and cultural industries

2 Senior expert/ cultural management and planning

3 Ph.D. student of cultural policy/Imam Sadeq University



Commercialization is an important part of the development process in the production and distribution of cultural industries and is one of the requirements for successful entry into the consumer market. The requirement for the realization of this is to create suitable platforms that, while providing economic value, preserve and expand cultural values inside and outside the borders of the country. Cultural industries carry the ideas, symbols and lifestyle of the people of the society and have different roles of informing, entertaining, creating identity and influencing the cultural experiences of the people of the society. In this research, in addition to presenting the concepts of commercialization of cultural industries, in order to balance between commercial ability and maintaining the value of cultural products in the commercialization of cultural industries, expert opinions have been obtained. The participants of the qualitative section included 10 experts in the field of creative and cultural industries, who used the semi-structured interview method to collect data and thematic analysis method to analyze the data in the qualitative section. The statistical community of the quantitative part includes 40 experts in the field of commercialization of creative and cultural industries, and the method of confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the significance of the indicators and factor load. The results show that training in legal and financial laws, training in setting contracts, government policies and providing conditions for investment are the most important factors in the commercialization of cultural industries. Also, there is a high correlation between legal and political, cultural-social and economic factors in the commercialization of cultural industries.


Main Subjects

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