Investigating the role of Twitter in the November 2017 protests in Tehran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Media management, Science and Research Branch, Islam Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author(

2 Master of Communication Tehran Markaz Islamic Azad University Center, Tehran, Iran



Twitter is one of the social networking media that allows everyone to interact widely in the global arena. Twitter is also of special importance in Iranian public opinion and is considered as an elite media and on the other hand in the field of social, political and cultural activists is the focus of most young people in Iran and the world. The purpose of this study is to investigate the behavior of Twitter activists and its role on the decrease or increase of participation in political protests among the youth of Tehran in the November 1398 protests following the announcement of an increase in gasoline prices. The type of research is descriptive survey and the statistical population of the study was all Twitter users in Tehran who were selected by sampling method and the research tool included a questionnaire. The findings of the study indicate a positive relationship between the use of Twitter and the political activism of Tehran youth in political protests in the protest event. Due to the growth of Twitter users in Iran, the need for proper training and exploitation and support for domestic media content producers in the face of rumors and media espionage and the development of dialogue in such a comprehensive and effective social media in the country can To be useful and effective in preventing or controlling protests and political and social crises such as the protests of November 2019 in Tehran.


Main Subjects

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