Analysis of the communication model of the Prophet of Islam with the opponents (weak believers) in Medina with an emphasis on Al-Mizan's interpretation

Document Type : Research Article


1 شهرک صادقیه حکمت ۵ پلاک ۲۳

2 Member of the academic staff of the research institute of the field and university

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Culture and Civilization, Imam Sadegh University



Paying attention to the duality of the concept of faith has a brief indication of the difference in the Prophet's communication with each of the levels of believers. For this purpose, the present study seeks to analyze the communication between the Prophet and the weak believers. Those with weak faith are believers who have escaped from war, who are companions of hypocrites and infidels, who have ignorant visions, etc., who are about to lose their faith and become disbelievers. The current research collected the data available in Al-Mizan's interpretation about the Prophet's communication with weak believers. This compilation was done in a comparative way and based on Mohsenian Rad's "source of meaning" model. After collecting, the collected data was analyzed using thematic analysis method, and from that analysis, 5 inclusive codes were found: "The source of the meaning of the Prophet", "The source of the meaning of weak faiths", "The content of the message of the Prophet", "The content of the message of weak faiths", "Immaterial context" And "interference" was extracted. The findings of the research showed that the Prophet sought to influence with his vision and special tendency. For this purpose, it has tried to prevent jamming. He has communicated with the weak-believers with different verbal and non-verbal contents, such as: "remembering God's help, certainty of the end, not changing the end by fleeing the war in response to the weak-believers fleeing from the war and giving them an excuse to fight jihad", "no permission" To get booty and reminder of the smallness of life in this world in response to the worldliness of weak believers" and...


Main Subjects

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